Hoa Sam Dat Weight Loss Pill reduces fat naturally
Hoa Sam Dat Weight Loss Pill is a 100% natural ingredient that works well to lose weight, reduce belly fat, remove blood fat, clean blood, adjust fat metabolism disorders, prevent acne melasma, rough skin, beautiful skin, and maximum liver protection.
Effective weight loss support for subjects who do not much have time to exercise, be sedentary, or cannot diet. Used for both people of all genders.
- Origin: Made in Vietnam by ZINI HOANG Co., Ltd
- Packing: 1 Box of 20 packs = 40 pills. Free Shipping Worldwide
- EXP: 02 years from the manufacturing date
How to use How Sam Dat?
Take with warm water or you can also rotate the tablet and mix it with water. For the person to get used to the product, please use 1 tablet per day for the first two days and increase up to 2 capsules per day from the 3rd day.
Take this pill before breakfast for 30 minutes. Drink with warm water. During use it will limit appetite instead will be very thirsty, crave fruits and vegetables.

For The Best Effect of using Hoa Sam Dat
Drink 2.5 – 3 liters of water a day to remove fat effectively. Limit starches, sugary foods, and fruit juices. Do not eat after 19h, do not drink alcohol, beer, and stimulants
You should eat more calories for the whole day, the rest should be limited. Eat boiled, steamed foods. Limit your alcohol intake to reduce calorie intake and not block the body’s fat-burning process
After eating, exercise lightly, restrain sitting and lying after eating. Have breakfast before 8 am. Restricted eating late at night. In addition, you should also incorporate an appropriate exercise regimen, exercise, sports
Storage: Store in a dry place, not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, and protect from light.
- Shipping: Europe: 10-21 days
United States, Canada, America: 15-30 days
Asia, Australia, and New Zealand: 12-25 days
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